St. John’s Christmas Eve Service

St. John’s Christmas Eve Candlelight Service will be December 24 at 9:30 PM in person and online. If you attend in person, please wait for an usher to seat you to ensure social distancing protocols are followed. The service will also be available online:  Facebook: Youtube: St. John’s Evangelical Church or the Church Kenton

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Church Building Update

CThe church building will remain closed on Sundays until January 17 due to ongoing health concerns. This will be reviewed at the January 14 board meeting. The ONE EXCEPTION will be that the church will be OPEN for the Christmas Eve Service at 9:30 PM on December 24. We ask that everyone who attends in

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If you have borrowed a wheelchair from the church and no longer need it, please return or if you have one that you no longer use and would like to donate it, that would be appreciated. We used to have several to lend out to those in need. Any questions, please contact the church office.

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Angels for the Elderly Food Drive

We will be collecting food for Angels for the Elderly again this year. The mission committee created a suggested donations.   Suggested items: Proteins (canned meat & peanut butter); Fruits and Vegetable (canned): Pre-made meals (spaghetti, tuna and noodle); and Personal care & paper products, laundry detergent. These items can be dropped off at the

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Stewardship Sunday

November 15 – please place your stewardship commitment cards in the designated basket. If you are unable to return in person, please mail or drop off in the church office and mark envelope. These remain confidential and are only seen by Kay. These numbers help shape our budget and programs for 2021. Thank you for

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Decorating the Church

Preparing the Church & Our Hearts for the Celebration of Christ’s Birth We will be decorating the church on November 22 after the church service for Christmas. Plan to stay and help adorn the church in preparation for the birth of Christ. Watch the bulletin for more details. The first Sunday of Advent is Sunday,

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