The Pastor’s Page – February

Ash Wednesday falls on February 14th this year—yes, that means if you are going to give up chocolates or desserts for Lent you may want to celebrate Valentine’s Day on Fat Tuesday—the English translation of Mardi Gras. Ash Wednesday inaugurates our Lenten journey—a tradition we still hold onto at St. John’s Evangelical Church. There are

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Youth Sub Meal Sale

Youth Sub Meal Sale (Super Bowl Weekend): Youth members will be selling subs in the church lobby. You will receive a sub sandwich of your choice, chips and water for $6.00. Subs choices are: ham & cheese, turkey & cheese, and Italian. They will be selling until Sunday, January 28. Subs will be made Saturday,

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Chili Cook Off & Men’s Cake Raffle

Chili Cook Off & Men’s Cake Raffle: Saturday, January 13 starting at 5:30 PM. Anyone can bring a pot of chili to share. Hot dogs and drinks provided. If able, men, bring a cake to raffle that you have baked and frosted. It is meant to be a night for FUN! The cakes will be

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Night of Prayer

Night of Prayer We will be having two more evenings where you will have the opportunity to come into the sanctuary and pray for our church, our community, and the world. The dates scheduled are: Thursday, January 18 and Thursday, January 25 at 7:30 PM. If you are unable to make it out those evenings,

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Annual Congregational Meal & Meeting

Annual Congregational Meal & Meeting January 28 @ 4:30 PM The Annual Congregational Meal & Meeting has been set for Sunday, January 28. We will have a covered dish dinner in the fellowship hall at 4:30 PM followed by the Annual Meeting. The church will provide the meat and drinks. Everyone is asked to bring

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2017 St. John’s Adopt-A-Family

2017 St. John’s Adopt-A-Family Remove the tag for the gift you select. On the front of each tag you will find a number. On the table is a sheet listing all the tag numbers. Please write your name beside the number on the sheet that corresponds to the number on your tag. If you are

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Hat & Mitten Tree

Hat & Mitten Tree: A tree will be placed in the back of the sanctuary for donations of items to be shared with local children in need at the elementary school. Items being collected include: hats, mittens, gloves, socks, underwear, and scarves. These items will be collected through Dec. 24.

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Christmas Worship Schedule

Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday this year. The Sunday morning services will remain at the same times at 8:30 and 10:30. The Christmas Eve Candlelight services will include a contemporary style service at 7:30 PM and a traditional style service at 10:30 PM. We look forward to seeing you!  

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Lake of Lights—Volunteers Needed

Lake of Lights—Volunteers Needed The Lake of Lights Committee is looking for volunteers to help set up. The set up dates are the following: November 4 & 5, November 11 & 12, and November 18 & 19. Saturday times for set up are from 9-5 and Sundays times are 1-5. The church is scheduled to

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Youth Group Poinsettia Sale

Poinsettia Sale The youth are selling Poinsettias for the Christmas Season starting today in the lobby. Orders can be placed on Sunday mornings or during church office hours, Monday – Friday from 9-1. All proceeds benefit the youth program. Thank you for your support!

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Pastor’s Page November

H ow do you measure success? What would cause you to give great Thanksgiving? Sometimes, we think we will do it when “our ship comes in” or our lottery numbers hit. We tell ourselves, “I give great thanks when I’m king of the hill, top of the heap,” or something like that. But is giving

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