Bud Vases Needed

The Keeping Connected Life Group is in need of bud vases.  If anyone would have some they would like to donate to the Life Group, please leave them in the Kitchenette in the Education Wing.  Thank you in advance. Jo Ann Erwin, Leader

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Preaching Schedule May 2018

Through the Lent and Easter seasons, the sermons have centered around who we are in Christ. In May, the sermons move to the life we lead in the Spirit. After all, the Holy Spirit is the Father’s gift to us after Jesus ascended into heaven. We were not left orphans but given a Helper, who

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Hiring – Position Available

St. John’s Evangelical Church seeks an outgoing individual to serve as Associate Pastor to Youth and Adults. St. John’s seeks a leader who has a passion for God and is innovative with a collaborative spirit. Our ideal candidate would enthusiastically design and lead programs that engage the spiritual needs of young people while encouraging their

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Serve Day

Serve Day—April 29 The Evangelism Committee is planning another service day on Sunday, April 29. There will be one service beginning at 8:30 AM followed by service projects from 10 am—12 pm. Projects will include bed building in garage, making blankets & sewing project, and possibly packing food boxes. Lunch served at 12:30pm (hot dogs

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New Member Class

A new member class is forming. Classes will be Sunday afternoons for two hours. There are only two sessions that you need to attend. The classes will be April 8th and 22nd from 2-4 PM. Some who have expressed interest have evening commitments, so this is the best time for the class. If you are

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Hymn Spotlight: Jesus Paid it All

Paid in Full Jesus Paid It All was written under unusual circumstances. Did your mind ever wander during a Sunday service? Perhaps you started thinking about other things–maybe what occurred last week, or plans for the coming week or what you will be doing later that day. Something like that happened to the writer of

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Pastor’s Page April

Every year, when the calendar changes, we always check to see when Easter will be. Being that it moves, this is always important as it impacts so much of our spring programming, worship, and other ministries. This year is one of those times when Easter falls on April first, which often receives some sideways glances

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Preaching Schedule April 2018

Worship Theme: We Are Purplish? There really isn’t a theme for April, so that means you may have to endure some talk about purple and Johan the platypus. In April, we will think about what we are called to do and be in the light of the Resurrection, and we will have a chance to

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