Pastor’s Page August 2020

At this time of the year, I am reminded that August might be the most in-aptly named month of the year. After all, august is an adjective that means: marked by majestic dignity or grandeur. The name implies that this would be the month to celebrate some grand event, movement, or individual, and yet this

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Forest Court Cookout

August 1 from 1-3 pm. We will be passing out hot dogs, cookies, chips and bottled water. We will also be taking activities for the kids and taking hand sanitizer and hand wipes. Sign up in the back of the sanctuary if you plan to attend or let Trish know. 

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Pastor’s Page July 2020

Last month, I compared last year’s journey with Jesus in the Upper Room in the Gospel of John with this year’s walk with Jesus from Palm Sunday to His Ascension in the Gospel of Matthew. Well, I’m going to do that again this month. Last year, in July’s newsletter, I included the fol- lowing graphic

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Scioto Village Cookout

July 11 from 1-3 pm. We will be passing out hot dogs, cookies, chips and bottled water. We will also be taking activities for the kids and taking hand sanitizer and hand wipes. Sign up in the back of the sanctuary if you plan to attend or let Trish know.

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Collecting Donations

Collecting Donations for Kenton Nursing and Rehab Center KNRC has responded to a request of how the community can help. Here are a few donations that they are in need of: Crafts, Snacks, Yarn, Cards, and Handwritten letters. A tote will be placed in the back of the sanctuary for donations or can be dropped

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25th Ordination Anniversary

Congratulations Pastor Randall on your 25th Ordination Anniversary! Thank you for your continued service to the Lord, this church, and our community. He was presented a 25th Anniversary plaque from the Northwest Ohio Association and a gift from the church for his years of service. God Bless!

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Time of Prayer and Sharing

Time of prayer and sharing: Wednesday June 24th at 7 PM in the chapel.  Come to share a song, music, or scripture.  Come to pray.  Come to seek to faithfully follow where God is leading.  Pastor Randall will be leading this time from 7-8 PM

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The Pastor’s Page June

10 “But when you are invited, go and sit in the lowest place, so that when your host comes he may say to you, ‘Friend, move up higher.’ Then you will be honored in the presence of all who sit at table with you. 11 For everyone who exalts himself will be hum- bled, and he who

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