Preaching Series March 2021

On our Lenten journey, we will continue marching through Micah through the month of March. We will take a bit of a detour for Palm Sunday, Holy Week, and Easter. This year, we will forego the Passion Play once again, but we will offer a Maundy Thursday Service with Communion and a Good Friday Service.

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Pastor Page March 2021

In Lent, we are called back to the basics of our faith. It is a season to give up those things that prevent us from following the Lord fully. It is also a time to pick up those practices that focus our lives on the Lord and doing His will. One of those practices is

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Good Friday Service

“What is good about Good Friday?” There have been traditions in many places like Kenton where schools and stores ceased their activities on Good Friday. Often, there were services from noon until 3 PM as that was the period of darkness after Jesus’ death on the Cross (Matthew 27:45). During those services, people would walkthrough

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Maundy Thursday Service

“Thursday of the Lord’s Supper” The celebration of Maundy Thursday goes back at least to the fourth century, when pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem are known to have marked the Last Supper and other events of Passion Week with special services at holy sites. As the idea of such Passion Week or Holy Week

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Easter Flower Sale

Easter Flowers are available for purchase through Sunday, March 7 Daffodils, Hyacinths, Tulips, Lilies are $15 each and Hydrangeas are $20 each. See order forms for color options. Money due at time of order. Please make checks payable to St. John’s Church. See Michele Sherman with any questions.

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Ash Wednesday Service 2021

February 17 at 7:00 PM Lent is a season of fasting, but we want to make sure our fasting is true and right (see Isaiah 58). As such, our Ash Wednesday will have three occasions where we may come before the altar. First, we may come to receive the ashes for we are sinners, the

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Children’s Sermon February 7

Title: It’s That Away Theme: We need to know the truth—and the absolute truth! Objects: a picture of the Scarecrow from The Wizard of OZ Scripture: “What did you go out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken by the wind?” Matthew 11:7b Good morning! Sometimes, we don’t like rules. We want to stay

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Annual Congregational Meeting

The Annual Congregational Meeting has been rescheduled for Sunday, February 7, pending COVID restrictions. The Annual meeting will begin in the sanctuary following the service approximately at 11:00 am. Mark your calendar and plan on attending. We will update you with any changes. Any questions, please email or call the office at 419-673-7278. Slate of

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The Pastor’s Page February 2021

Much has been made about the psychological toll of the pandemic. With increased isolation, mental health markers have deteriorated while stress levels increased. When looking at people’s face swathed in bands of cloth, we have lost the ability to see one an- other’s full humanity and their complete responses to our presence. A lot of

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Children’s Sermon January 31

Title: But I Want Cupcakes Theme: Sometimes, we should take what we need not what we want Objects: none needed Scripture: 17“‘We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn.’” Matthew 11:16-19 Good morning! I know we talked about food last week, but I’m

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